Jessica Zawadowicz                       Selected Work                  CV                         Instagram

I look for things in my envrionment that feel stable, things that I can rely on and trust. I collect and include objects and forces into my paintings that show up as constants in my world. Some of these things might act as sticks or rocks that I find or find me, gravity, my lunch (and its leftovers), time, the measurement of time, my body’s touch and reach, potatoes, vending machine candy, weight, or depictions of the sun. I look for what feels trustworthy as a way of locating myself within a world, within a body, and within a landscape where life, power, and material appear to be changing constantly and frequently. I pull in these objects from outside thast feel sturdy and then I try ti play with them. In one instance, I might adhere heavy stones onto a soft canvas and move what is typically on the ground up and onto the wall. Then aware of a heavy potential crashing, I gain greater understanding of my toes.

Jessica Zawadowicz lives and works in Chicago, IL.


2023    MFA, School of the Art Institute of Chicago
2019     BFA, The University of the Arts, Magna Cum Laude

** Indiciates 2-Person Exhibtion

2023    a little, left over, alongside Artist Garret Lockhart, Weatherproof, Chicago IL**
2023    The First ShowStasia’s Gallery, Chicago IL
2023    Last Call, Alumni ExhibitionColor Club, Chicago IL
2023    MFA Exhibition, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago, IL 
2022    Electric Pink Lemonade, Curated by Roland Santana, Circle Contemporary, Chicago IL
2022    Flat File Program, Ortega y Gasset Projects, Brooklyn NY
2022    Warmth, Stay Home Gallery, Paris TN
2021     Flora, Curated by Eric Preisendanz, Thomas Jefferson University Hospital, Philadelphia PA 
2020    Spring Up, Curated by Maria Kraybill (Artillerie), PII Gallery, Philadelphia PA
2019    Distant Figure, Curated by Sebastian Powley, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA
2019    Personal Psychology, Curated by TJ Walsh, Emerge Welness, Philadelphia PA


2023-2024    Teaching Fellowship, School of the Art Institute of Chicago, Chicago IL
2023   Poor Farm, Manawa WI
2019    Corzo Center Emerging Artist Microgrant, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA
2019    Larry Day Award, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA
2019    Ted Carey Award, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA
2015-2019    Trustee Scholarship, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA

2022    Flat File Artist Programming, Ortega y Gasset Projects, Brooklyn NY
2021    Visiting Artist & Critic, The University of the Arts, Philadelphia PA